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Friday, 13 September 2013

First Official Week of School

Yes it has started.  And it really has hit me six love. 

Kershnee Naicker - I don't know how you do it.  Preparing for 4 grades and I only prepare for 2.  It is hard work.

On Monday we had a general arts and crafts for the first two hours to keep the learners busy.  (Also another way to quickly get art on the walls around the school.)  Then we had an official opening of the school. 
Entrance to the school hall
 Flowers were everywhere
Opening the school with cutting of the ribbon

High government officials, principals of other schools, and anybody who is everybody and the parents attended the event.  There were a few speeches, some local teachers did a dance and a magic show.  Then Micky Mouse made a grand entrance for the children.  This all happened within an hour.

By the time I got home I was absolutely finished. (Tired, exhausted)

On Tuesday we started the normal routine of school.  Yes, I am an expert with mime.  Not one child in my class can speak English.  So I have some help from Vivien, the Chinese Language Teacher who is filling in for my co-teacher, but the rest of the time I have to use body language.  I had one child crying, but soon settled.  I have a Korean/Chinese, Swedish/Chinese, Russian/Chinese, Taiwanese/Chinese and American/Chinese in my class.  And they all speak the home tongue and Chinese, except for the American who only speaks Chinese.

Today, Friday, things have started to get a bit easier and routine has started to take place.  I thought, wow this is getting good.  JA, THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT.  Then the smallest child decided she wanted to go home and she will let the whole school and the neighbours know this by screeching her lungs out.  She kicked me, pinched me, bit me, and tortured my ears for 1 and 1/2 hours.  Eventually she stopped and fell asleep.  When her mom came to pick her up, she didn't want to go home. What the heck!!! WHEW!!
But I was spoilt today by the principal.  She took myself and the Chinese language teacher out for tea.  It was relaxing and delicious.  A good way to start the weekend.

But have plenty of work to do for next weeks preparations as well.
Will post again so don't stop reading.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Lisa u did an had a lot dis week. U seem 2 b having fun. Da pics r lovely.
